Should Poverty be eradicated from India?

What a silly question! Obviously, it should be. If your answer to this question is also "yes" then today, I want to take you to a different aspect of this question.

For me, answer to this is “no”.  The reason is very simple and to explain that let me put some questions to you. Who will do the work of labourers if poverty is eradicated? Who will be a farmer?  Who will be a barber? Who will be a carpenter? Who will be a maid? and many more. I am sure most of you won’t have thought of these questions before taking your stand as “yes”. Now you must be searching examples of foreign countries who have eradicated poverty. I must tell you that there is no country till now who have eradicated poverty completely. However, some of the countries like Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Norway are on the verge of doing this.

Have you ever thought why these countries are able to do this? it is because they do not have differences in society. They do not have much difference between highest income and lowest income getting citizens i.e. they are achieving income equality but India is not even achieving equality on the basis of caste and profession, income equality is far away. In countries like Denmark, all are treated as equals and even labour class have same respect as doctors, engineers and other professions. In India, labourers, farmers, maids etc. are considered to be lower class people and I have seen many people who knowingly disrespect them. This is the major difference between India and countries like Denmark.
That is why I think, that poverty should not be eradicated from India otherwise no one will be ready to do the work of labourers. If you want to eradicate poverty from India then first eradicate the differences between status of the people, eradicate the discrimination on the basis of caste in fact remove this word “caste” from the constitution of India. Teach people to respect everybody, teach people that no work is small or big, achieve income equality and then if you think of eradicating the poverty, I would say a big “YES”.

If you have a different point of view or have any suggestion then please comment


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